January 22, 2010


Mastering the human skull is basic to becoming a good portrait artist. Like building a house... the framing holds up the house and gives it its depth and mass.

January 19, 2010

Pencils I am using

These are the pencils that I am currently using. I have expensive artists pencils 8B-HB-F- all the way to 9H, but I use these pencils that my father gave to me over 10 years ago. Oh, how I am my fathers son. Thanks Dad :)

Daily work

Daily drawing.

Flowers Finished - Almost

Almost complete.


Something I am working on for my wife's birthday tomorrow. Hope she doesn't look at this web site today... !

January 18, 2010

Bruce Lee

This is an Illustration done in pencil. I stink at pen and ink so I used Photoshop to make this look like a pen and ink drawing.

Self Portrait of Me !

Well, I learned that I shouldn't try to erase with the wrong end of a grease pencil. I was about 90% done with this self portrait and I put a nasty streak with a grease pencil... that I cannot remove.